Robust AAC, including access to core language, is our first and primary choice for aided communication. We are advocates for removing both access and opportunity barriers to communication.
Therapist Neurodiversity Collective advocates for communication choice that is free from coercion and/or compliance. The fundamental goal of ABA is compliance with the will of the person in the position of authority this is completely counter-intuitive to self-advocacy, self-determination, and upholding human rights and dignity. We do not force compliance through the earning of snacks, checkmarks, behavior charts, stickers, access to favorite toys, activities, or similar. We have strong ethical concerns and philosophical differences pertaining to the use of Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) on human beings, including ABA-derived therapy models. Therapist Neurodiversity Collective does not recommend PECS® as an AAC system. Non-speaking human beings are not animals. PECS® trains human beings using operant conditioning, the same way one would train dogs, pigeons, or rats. PECS® takes away self-determination, it violates the body autonomy of the human on the receiving end, it is disrespectful and dehumanizing. It is not a natural or nice way to teach language. The method allows the trainer to artificially cause frustration through the withholding of highly desired objects or food until the targeted behavior is achieved, even if the communicator becomes upset or angry. Per Andy Bondy, inventor of PECS, “Skinner’s analysis of Verbal Behavior forms the basis for teaching particular skills at specific points in the training sequence and also provides guidelines for how best to design the teaching strategies.” PECS uses picture-based prompting and reinforcement tied to error correction in order to teach language skills. PECS® uses Operant Conditioning (ABA), which is a behavior technique that can be used to target and increase a behavior by pairing the performance of the target behavior with a positive or rewarding outcome. PECS® versus AAC Picture/Symbols (Low-Tec AAC) Kate Ahern: What is a robust vocabulary in AAC? Praactical AAC: Linguistically-robust AAC Systems This understanding of robust language has been shaped by the work of Gayle Porter, Linda Burkhart, Kate Ahern, and Carole Zangari. Can be available at any time (i.e., high tech and low tech options).Organization that accommodates individual’s access method (e.g., scanning, direct selection).

Access to the full alphabet and word prediction.Organization that maintains motor plan as much as possible to support efficient access (i.e., words kept in the same place).Option for pre-programmed messages for frequently used phrases, advocacy, and self-talk.For example, verb tenses, plurals, comparatives, possessives, etc. ease and efficiency of message generation for real life conversations) Organization that supports a flow of conversation (i.e.For example, comment, ask questions, protest, etc. Ability to communicate a wide range of communicative functions.For example, nouns, verbs, prepositions, adjectives, etc. Lots of words (hundreds and hundreds!), with both core and fringe vocabulary, and enough variety to allow for individual style.AAC systems have to be robust to support those goals. The ultimate goal of AAC is communication autonomy and the ability to connect with others.